Early research has shown the significant contribution that Dance Movement Psychotherapy (DMP) could have on psychological well-being. A number of studies have indicated that the use of this therapy positively impacts upon a wide range of psychological symptoms, while providing a clear alternative to traditional talking psycho-therapies.

According to the Association of Dance Movement Psychotherapy, DMP uses the body, movement and dance to express oneself by engaging in an ‘empathic creative process’. This is a relatively modern form of art therapy which was introduced into the UK in the 1980s and does not require any level of skill before beginning.

DMP therapists receive specific training, but have the ability to vary the approach that they offer, based upon the needs of each individual. Early research has provided an outline of the key features of this therapy, such as the process of embodiment to unite the body and mind and the use of imagery to access and indirectly help to work through any difficult feelings.

The research also explored the effectiveness of DMP and noted positive results in relation to measures of well-being, mood and body-image. Notably, a study comparing DMP to standard care concluded that it is a ‘promising intervention in the treatment of depression’.

Findings also highlighted the need to understand that each individual is different and, as a result, services that are provided need to be tailored to their specific needs for optimal impact.

How Dance Movement Psychotherapy can be used as part of rehabilitation

“All forms of therapy, whether traditional or cutting-edge, should see the patient at the heart of them, adapting both culturally and sociologically as needed,” says David Stothard, managing director at MAPS Medical Reporting.

“A variety of studies show that dance can be a successful and, often cathartic treatment for people, which enables them to integrate emotional, cognitive, physical and spiritual aspects of themselves.

“Our job at MAPS Medical Reporting is to assist solicitors in supporting their clients – the victims of injury; supporting them to recover as best they can through our expert provision of medical reports, rehabilitation and treatment services that are tailored to their specific needs.

“It is crucial for us to keep abreast of emerging therapies, just like DMP, that can best aid those who have undergone life-changing injuries and the subsequent trauma that is attached. Our access to experienced rehabilitation specialists throughout the UK means that we have a unique understanding of just how crucial a role rehabilitation and treatment plays in a claims process, as well as a client’s physical and mental wellbeing.”

MAPS Medical Reporting provides fast access to reputable experts and high quality, specialist medical reports to provide its customers with robust medical evidence to expedite both recovery for the victim and the claims process. Contact us to find out more about how we can support you.

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