Wearable technology is something we can no longer avoid. It appears in almost all areas of life, even when you may not be aware of it. Your smartphone now records how many steps you’ve taken, coats can regulate your body temperature and gloves relay in real time the motion and sensory movements of your hand.

How wearable technology is transforming healthcare

With the rise of technological advancements and research, organisations are investing more time and importance on healthcare initiatives. How can something as increasingly commonplace as wearable technology prove to benefit the rehabilitation of someone recovering from a serious injury?

That was the topic of discussion at a recent event called ‘The Future of Health’ at the Design Museum, led by one of Imperial College London’s leading robotics experts, Professor Guang-Zhong Yang. Together with Dr Benny Lo of the Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery, an organisation that aims to improve health worldwide, the duo discussed how smart technology is evolving at a fast pace, transforming the way that medical staff diagnose, treat and rehabilitate patients.

Such examples of wearable technology and healthcare included a focus on the ear-worn Activity Recognition (e-AR) sensor, a small piece of kit that clips behind the ear to measure and give feedback on walking and balance after knee surgery, as well as it being used by coaches of top athletes.

Professor Guang-Zhong Yang commented: “Machinery, engineering and robotics have already transformed many areas of our lives. Now, the design aspect of innovation is at the forefront of my work, alongside improving health, both of which contribute to improving human lives.”

“The research being conducted by Professor Yang demonstrates the importance placed on healthcare through a clear crossover of sector interest into the improvement of treatment and facilities for people,” says David Stothard, managing director of MAPS Medical Reporting.

“Those who suffer serious or life-changing injuries often face a very challenging period of recovery, with rehabilitation efforts drawing on all types of resources and expertise to ultimately get the best result for victims. From an orthopaedic medico-legal perspective, wearable technology like this is an exciting prospect that presents new opportunities as more research is conducted, through accessible options for people who are trying to readjust.

“MAPS is fully conversant with the Rehabilitation Code and has specialist access to UK-wide treatments and a variety of expert rehabilitation services. Accessing the most advanced services available enables injury victims to achieve the best outcome possible for their recovery and through the legal claims process.”

MAPS Medical Reporting provides quick access to reputable experts and high quality, specialist medical and medico-legal reports to provide its customers with robust medical evidence to expedite both treatment services for the victim and the claims process. Contact us to find out more about how we can support you.

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